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Small improvements, new offices and side projects

Small improvements, new offices and side projects

Weeknotes for week beginning 17th May 2021

Success amplifies success

Seeing small improvements starting to pay dividends at work is incredibly satisfying, and even though they’re small, the positive shift in the team’s attitude increases the likelihood of further improvement, and future success. I’m currently thinking on how to get teams to open up more in group sessions, how get everyone to present and challenge ideas, and what I can do, as a member on the team, to encourage that more.

Visiting the office

I took my first trip into the Made Tech offices this week, my first central London visit since March. It was great to see the working space and to meet a few new colleagues in person. I’m looking forward to a few more opportunities to visit in the near future, especially with the vaccine coming soon(ish)!

Slack smarter

For the past few weeks I’ve been toying with one of my side projects, a service that offers a way for users to connect all (read: some, for now!) their workplace tools in one place, and push it all into a private view in Slack — think of it as your own personal work dashboard, right inside Slack. It runs on a mix of Vercel, Next.js, Supabase and NextAuth, and I’m hoping to be able to launch an early beta version in the next couple of weeks. I’m sure I’ll post on Twitter if I make it that far!

PSA: Taking a break

I’m taking some time off for most of next week so, depending on a few things, my weeknotes may take a short hiatus too.